Context menu
The Context menu provides another method for changing Chart options. To open the menu, right-click anywhere within the chart.
The following options are available in the Context menu:
Create order – allows to open the Order entry panel.
Refresh – reloads the chart data and redraws the panel.
Charts panel refreshes automatically.
Set hotkeys – opens the Hotkeys preferences window.
Symbols lookup – allows selecting necessary symbol from the list of available.
Drawing tools – allows to select the drawing tool or remove the existing ones. The following options are available: Snap to candle, Stay in drawing mode; Trend, Geometry, Fibonacci, Gann.
Indicators – evoke the Scripts lookup for easy indicator selection and allow to remove the chosen indicators.
Data type – sets the type of source for quotes:
1. Default by symbol – chart will be built by symbol values by default.
2. Bid – chart will be built by Bid values.
3. Last – if this type is selected, chart is based on the prices of trades.
4. Ask – chart will be built by Ask values.
Style – sets the style of the chart bars. A user is able to choose among the following types: Line, Candle, Bar, Dots, Histogram, Area, Dotted line.
Info window – allows to set Info Window as Separate Window, Attached to cursor, or to make it be Hidden.
View – offers visible elements on the chart. Here a user can choose:
1. Previous close – allows displaying previous close price on the chart, the default state of the checkbox depends on the values selected in the chart preferences. When this option is selected, a label showing the previous day close price will be displayed;
2. Day high/low – allows displaying day high/low prices on the chart, the default state of the checkbox depends on the values selected in the chart preferences. When this option is selected, a labels showing the day high/low will be displayed at the level of max and min prices. If such prices are found several times a day, they will be marked as dots on the chart;
3. Settlement price – allows displaying settlement price on the chart and choosing the style of its line.
4. Previous settlement price – allows displaying previous settlement price on the chart and choosing the style of its line.
5. Time to next bar – allows displaying time to next bar on the chart.
6. Crosshair – shows/hides the crosshair on the chart.
7. Grid – horizontal and vertical lines that help to compare prices and time on the axis with bars and lines on the chart.
8. Volume bars – allow to show volume bars as analysis tool on a chart.
9. Opened positions – allow to show opened positions on a chart.
10. Working orders – allow to show working orders on a chart.
11. Drawing toolbar – shows/hides the drawing toolbar.
12. Order entry – shows/hides Chart Order entry section on the chart.
Duplicate panel – allows to duplicate the chosen panel.
Preferences – open the Preferences panel that allows users to adjust view, scale, style and other parameters of the chart.
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