Orders history

Orders history panel allows to view system actions related to opening and closing orders (SL/TP). This can be particularly useful for monitoring specific details regarding creation, modification, rejection and execution of orders.

To open Orders history panel, select Terminal -> Orders history:

The following columns are available in the panel:

  • Account – an account's name of a user who created an order;

  • Symbol – a symbol for which an order was created;

  • Side – a trade type (Buy or Sell);

  • Event – an event identifier. The following values are available: Modified, Restated, Accepted, Activated, Created, Partially filled, Filled, Cancelled;

  • Type – an order type;

  • Price – an order price at which a trade took place;

  • Quantity – a filled amount of an order, in lots or in currency units, depending on what is selected in the settings dialog box;

  • Time – time of an order placement;

  • Order ID – an order's unique identifier. If a position is opened based on an order, this position will have the same number;

  • Date – an order's placement date;

  • Validity – allows specifying order validity by selecting among the following time frames: Day, GTC, IOC, GTD, FOK;

  • Stop price – stop price for a special stop order;

  • Login – a user's login;

  • Leverage – contains leverage value, if applicable;

  • Symbol type – a symbol's market category (CFD, Spot, Stocks, etc.);

  • Bought

- In case of Forex:

if 'Side = Buy', then this column shows the value of 'Price * Lot size * Qty.' in base currency;

if 'Side = Sell', then this column shows the value of 'Price * Lot size * Qty.' in quoting currency.

- In case of Futures, Futures CFD, Options

with 'Quoting type=Tick cost/Tick size':

if 'Side = Buy', then this column shows the value of 'Qty';

if 'Side = Sell', then this column shows the value of 'Qty * Tick cost/Tick size * Price'.

with 'Quoting type=Lot size':

if 'Side = Buy', then this column shows the value of 'Qty';

if 'Side = Sell', then this column shows the value of 'Qty * Lot size * Price'.

- In other cases:

if 'Side = Buy', then this column shows the value of 'Qty. * Lot size' – amount of bought assets (contracts, equities);

if 'Side = Sell', then this column shows the value of 'Price * Lot size * Qty.' in quoting currency.

  • Sold

- In case of Forex:

if 'Side = Sell', then this column shows the value of 'Price * Lot size * Qty.' in base currency;

if 'Side = Buy', then this column shows the value of 'Price * Lot size * Qty.' in quoting currency.

- In case of Futures, Futures CFD, Options

with 'Quoting type=Tick cost/Tick size':

if 'Side = Buy', then this column shows the value of 'Qty* Tick cost/Tick size * Price';

if 'Side = Sell', then this column shows the value of 'Qty'.

with 'Quoting type=Lot size':

if 'Side = Buy', then this column shows the value of 'Qty * Lot size * Price';

if 'Side = Sell', then this column shows the value of 'Qty' .

- In other cases:

if 'Side = Buy', then this column shows the value of 'Price * Lot size * Qty.' in quoting currency;

if 'Side = Sell', then this column shows the value of 'Qty. * Lot size' – amount of sold assets (contracts, equities).

  • Strike price – price of an option contract performance;

  • Expiry date – a contract expiration date;

  • Trading exchange – displays a trading exchange where the order was placed;

  • Product type – displays the product type;

  • Description – contains a short description of the instrument by which the event was executed.

Last updated