Volatility lab
Volatility lab tab is used for graphic analysis before starting to trade options:
This tab allows plotting the "Volatility lab" which is considered as a totality of IV values for a specific option contract. Also, it is possible to plot "Volatility lab" graph according to actual market data and Vanna-Volga implied volatilities model.
See the blue chart for "Volatility lab" plotted according to actual market data and the red one for Vanna-Volga implied volatilities model on the chart below:
Vanna-Volga implied volatilies model calculation algorithm
This model is plotted for selected option series and gets the following elemental parameters:
Days to expire of selected option series – Days/365;
Underlier price – can be Forward or Current last price, is calculated with taking into account interest rates.
If Forward price is selected in the settings, then Forward price is calculated this way:
Forward price = Current last price * e^(M*Days/365), where
M = Domestick rate/100 - Foreign rate/100;
ATM strike – is a strike, value of which is the closest to a Current last price value;
ATM IV – an arithmetic mean of ATM Call and Put strikes IV;
D Call IV - D Call strike IV;
D Put strike - is a Put strike, Delta absolute value of which is the closest to a Delta value in the settings;
D Put IV - D Put strike IV;
Strikes array of selected option series.
These parameters are used in array’s model values IV calculation for selected option series.
The calculated series are reflected on the Volatility lab chart.
Chart settings menu
In the Chart settings menu you can choose the Side, Visible series and Volatility models to be displayed on the chart:
The drop-down list in the Side section allows selecting an option side (strikes) on which the "Volatility lab" will be plotted. Available strikes are Calls, Puts, Calls&Puts:
The section Visible series allows selecting series for "Volatility lab". Mark series as checked to get one or more "Volatility lab" graphs plotted on the chart:
Be attentive to choose the same series for Vanna-Volga implied volatilities model as for “Volatility lab” graph plotted according to actual market data.
Chart scaling
The chart view can be also manipulated with some additional options:
Clicking + moving the cursor on any area on the X or Y axis - allows to move on the left/right (X) or up/down (Y) on this area on the X or Y axis;
Clicking + scrolling on any area on the X or Y axis - allows to zoom in to and zoom out of this area:
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