Market consensus list
This panel helps the User to determine the list of top instruments for which the largest number of Buys was made, as well as the list of top instruments for which the largest number of Sells was made. It displays an Instrument list that can be switched to Top long or Top short sections using the appropriate button at the top of the panel. These lists show how many users (in percentage terms) prefer to choose one or another strategy for a particular Instrument.
To call the Context menu, press and hold (Long tap) on the needed item:
Actions available in the Context menu:
Chart - by tapping, the Chart with the selected symbol will be opened;
Order entry - opens the Order entry panel with the selected symbol;
Add to watchlist - this option allows adding selected item to Watchlist.
The upper part of the panel offers a filter for selecting one or another market for which the User needs to receive data. Below is a switch that allows the User to select Top long or Top short section, each section accordingly displays data on the number of users who have chosen one or another strategy in the context of specific Instruments. By selecting the required section, the User will receive a list of Instruments where each line displays the name of the Instrument and the value of Sells or Buys made by other users as a percentage, this value is calculated by the algorithm configured in the BackOffice.
The name of the Instrument is displayed on the left side of each list, the percentage of Users who have chosen a bullish or bearish strategy when trading this Instrument is placed in the right part. There is also an indicator under each instrument, which will be filled in depending on the percentage, this is done for clarity and easy determination of how popular this strategy is.
Instruments are ranked from least to most popular in ascending order and some of them can be marked as the “Expert choice” by the broker meaning that the strategy for this Instrument is approved by your broker.
Swipe the selected Instrument to the left in order to open a menu that allows adding an Instrument to the Watchlist, open the Order panel, view more info about the selected Instrument, and open a new Chart panel for the selected instrument:
Last updated