Positions balance
Positions balance tab contains the summary of all the opened positions by the chosen account(-s).
Tab can be accessed from Portfolio screen by tapping on the Positions balance button:
For each position the following information is available:
Symbol - name of the instrument traded;
Net position qty. - the net amount of open position;
Gross P/L - total amount of P/L for open position in the account currency.
To see the additional data by the chosen position, tap on it and the table with data will be displayed:
The descriptions and calculations of the parameters in the table are below:
Current price - market price obtainable from a broker;
Break-even - shows the price where Profit/Loss will be zero
where: N - the number of open positions for the selected instrument;
OPi - Open price;
qty i - the volume of the "i" position, taking into account the sign, for a short position the sign is “-”, for a long position the sign is “+”.
Gross exposure – the total exposure for open positions by symbol
where: Lot size - lot size for the selected instrument; Cross price - cross rate from the quote currency to the account currency.
Net exposure - net exposure for open positions by symbol
Long qty. - total amount of long positions by symbol;
Short qty. – total amount of short positions by symbol;
Average long – average price of long positions
Average short – average selling price of short positions
Position value – current value of the position. Calculation is based on current market price
Note that Position value formula depends on the position side: Long position: Position value = Position exposure+Gross P/L; Short position Position value = Position exposure-Gross P/L.
Also at the bottom of the Positions balance tab the Total Gross P/L can be found. It displays the sum of Gross P/L for all positions.
To call the Context menu, press and hold (Long tap) on the needed item:
Actions available in the Context menu:
Chart/Info - by tapping, the Chart with the position symbol will be opened;
Details - tap and detailed description of the position will be opened.
Last updated