Heat map
Heat map is a useful visual tool to quickly see how different stocks are performing, using a red to blue color scheme to reflect the instrument Change percentage, with scaling demonstrating the market capitalization level. The tool also allows filtering by exchange, sector, and industry to conduct investment planning and build diversified portfolios. Users can select instruments from the map to gain additional data on them.
The map has several levels: sector level, industry level (partitioning within each sector), and instrument level (partitioning within each industry):
The “Change %” value and the instrument’s name are also displayed inside each tile of the map in the text form. Sectors and industries, as well as market capitalization values are automatically uploaded to the system each day. In order to open the panel, select it from the Tools drop-down menu located in the terminal main menu.
The toolbar displays exchanges (or countries, etc., depending on what thematic lists are available to the user) as tabs for easy one-click switching between them. In case the data is available for one exchange only, no tabs will be displayed, otherwise the tabs will be shown in alphabetical order. If the name of the exchange/country is too long, its reduced version will be displayed, hover the mouse cursor over it to display a tooltip with the full name. If there are too many tabs and they do not fit on the toolbar, it is possible to expand the full list by clicking on the three-dot menu:
Treemap displays hierarchical (tree-structured) data as a set of nested tiles. Each branch of the tree is given a separate level, which is then tiled with lower levels representing sub-branches. Each tile has an area that is proportional to the Market capitalization. Plus, all of them are colored to show the “Change,%” value through color.
This display scheme is reasonably convenient in a way that one can often easily see patterns that would be difficult to spot in other ways. Also, treemaps make efficient use of workspace by keeping a large amount of data in a fairly small window. As a result, the user can obtain data on hundreds of instruments/sectors/industries simultaneously, in one screen.
Each hierarchical branch is displayed as a separate level, which in turn is divided into sub-branches – lower levels. The highest is the sector level:
The name of the sector, in this case the “Financial services”, is displayed in the header of the level rectangle. Next level hierarchy rectangles are placed inside.
The second level is Industry:
It contains tiles that display “Instrument capitalization level” (through size) and “Change,%” (through color). The color depends on “Change,%” and varies from the one that represents the min value to the one with the max value. These colors can be set independently in the Heat map settings, by default they range from red to blue.
The lowest level:
The lowest level tiles contain the Instrument name and “Change,%” value.
Click on a sector/industry name to go inside the sector/industry. When moving inside the sector/industry, the path is displayed. The components of the path (except for the industry level) are clickable so that you can return to the previous level.
The lower part of the panel also contains some useful data. At the left side, the Info Window is displayed. The content of it is updated when moving the cursor from one cell in the panel to another. Next to the Info Window, a user can see the gradation scale legend, which displays the “Change,%” colors from minimum to maximum. In the right corner there is a drop-down list with the scale - Heat multiplier.
It is possible to select more than one range to display. By default, all cells on the scale are active and all instruments are displayed correspondingly. Clicking on a cell deactivates it. So, if it is necessary to display only one range, the other ranges must be disabled. This refreshes the treemap and only the elements of the selected range remain:
The View setting tab is available for this panel. It allows customizing the panel appearance, select color schemes, etc.:
Color – defines the color of Sector/Industry levels;
Front color – defines the text color for Sector/Industry levels;
Scale colors/Example – defines the colors that will be applied to the scale at min/middle/max values. A user can see an example of what the scale will look like with the selected colours;
Title – the drop-down list allows selecting which instrument parameter will be displayed. Available values: Symbol and Description;
First value – the drop-down list allows selecting what will be displayed on the Heatmap under the Title. Available values: None and Change,%;
Second value – the drop-down list allows selecting what will be displayed on the Heatmap under the First value. Available values: None, Last price and Market cap;
Color – defines the color of the Symbol name;
Logo – if true, the logos will be displayed above the instrument names;
Size by – allows selecting the parameter by which the size of the cells will be determined;
Color by – allows selecting the parameter by which the cells will be coloured;
Visible – allows to hide/show the gradation scale.
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