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Last updated
The Watchlist panel displays real-time market data for each symbol which is available for a user.
In the Watchlist a user can find information by traded symbols:
Last price – the last trade price;
Change, % – the price deviation from current day's opening price in a percentage.
Check/uncheck the desired symbols. Selected symbols will automatically appear in the Watchlist.
Swipe left the selected symbol to open the Option chain screen (visible only for the instrument which is the underlayer for the Option) or remove the symbol from the Watchlist.
To call the Context menu, press and hold (Long tap) on the needed item:
Actions available in the Context menu:
Chart/Info - by tapping, the Chart with the selected symbol will be opened;
Option chain - opens the Option chain tab for the selected symbol;
Top - this option moves selected symbol up in the Watchlist;
Bottom - this option moves selected symbol down in the Watchlist;
Remove - deletes the symbol from the Watchlist panel.
Watchlist Filter
To add the instruments to the Watchlist, use the field and select the preferred instruments from the Symbol lookup:
In order to filter the list of displayed symbols tap the button, located at the top right corner of the Symbol lookup. Choose the needed exchange from the list of available.