
Accounts panel shows basic details about all accounts that are available for a user.

To open Accounts panel, select Account -> Accounts at the header of the terminal:

The Accounts panel is also available in Detailed view in order to show the detailed information in rows. To open Accounts widget, click on the Balance&Projected balance section at the header of the platform:

Also note that if you have a Multi-asset account, then after selecting it in the Accounts lookup, the drop-down list will appear where you can select a needed asset to view detailed information and balance.

The following information about Accounts and calculation formulas are available:

Displaying totals considering account currency

The totals are calculated taking into account the account currency according to the filtering results:

  • If the filtered entries belong to accounts with the same currency, then the totals are displayed in the account currency.

  • If the filtered entries belong to accounts with different currencies, then the totals are displayed in the server currency.

Last updated