Getting started
The TraderEvolution Investing application allows a user to grow his capital by investing money in various assets. For novice investors, the advantage of the application is its simplicity, for expert investors it gives plenty of tools to work with. The app is modern, user-friendly and secure. To open the Investing application, use the Segment control at the “More” tab.
The interface of the trading application will be changed to the interface of the Investing functionality. If you need to go back to a trading application, use the Segment control again. After logging into the application, a user can start investing.
To withdraw money from an account, select the Withdrawal item. Withdrawing effectively blocks funds from being used in the platform. Select account name and Withdrawal or Remaining amount:
A user can also easily change the password of the account:
Close account request - an option for users to send requests to close their accounts.
After clicking the ‘Close account’ option, the following confirmation screen will appear:
By clicking the “Send request” button the request for closing an account is created and the following screen with ability to cancel a request will appear:
Important note - while the request is being processed, there are no restrictions on the use of the account.
There are 4 possible statuses of the closing account requests:
Submitted - request has been successfully submitted;
Accepted - the necessary actions will be completed shortly and the account will be closed;
Rejected - request is rejected;
Cancelled - request is cancelled.
By clicking on such a notification, the following screen with additional information will appear:
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