
The Orders screen allows to view 2 lists of orders:

  • Working orders – shows orders that are waiting for execution.

  • Filled orders – shows executed orders.

Buy orders are displayed in the list with green arrow, sell orders – with red. Each section consists of the cards with short information about the orders. For Working orders the following data is displayed: symbol name, quantity, open price, order type.

To call the Context menu, press and hold (Long tap) on the needed item:

Actions available in the Context menu:

  • Chart/Info - by tapping, the Chart with the selected symbol will be opened;

  • Details - tap and detailed description of the order will be opened;

  • Cancel - cancels selected order.

For Filled orders the following data is shown: symbol name, order type, Net P/L, quantity.

Please note, that for Filled orders you can also see Total profit in the lower part of the table.

Swipe left the card of the order and the following buttons will become available:

  • Date – date and time when the order was placed (executed, filled, or cancelled).

  • Qty. remaining – difference between quantity and executed quantity when only part of the order was executed.

  • Order type – type of the order.

  • Status – current status of the order (created, filled or cancelled).

  • Price – market price obtainable from a broker.

  • Last price – the last trade price.

  • Leverage - contains leverage value, if applicable.

Additional columns for Filled orders section:

  • Fee – shows commission connected with the trade.

  • Trade volume – shows total volume of the trade.

To cancel the order, tap the "Cancel order" button.

Last updated