
The Watchlist screen is accessible by default after logging in to the mobile application.

In the Watchlist you can find information by traded symbols:

  • Last price – the last trade price;

  • Change, % – the price deviation from current day's opening price in a percentage.

In order to get full symbol information and open the chart, tap the Symbol name.

  • Volume – the total amount traded today;

  • Open – the day's open price;

  • High – the day's highest price;

  • Low – the day's lowest price;

  • Previous close – the previous day's close price;

  • Funding (optional) – current funding rate value as a percentage including broker tax;

  • Countdown (optional) – displays the countdown time to the next funding settlement.


The Indices section provides information about the index price for one day as a chart and has the following view:

Above the chart there is:

  • Index name – the name of the index;

  • Last price – the last trade price;

  • Change, % – the price deviation from current day's opening price in a percentage.

By tapping on the card, it will give more detailed information about the asset:

It contains the next indicators:

  • Open – the day's open price;

  • Change, % – the price deviation from current day's opening price in a percentage.

  • High – the day's highest price;

  • Low – the day's lowest price;

  • Previous close – the previous day's close price;

  • Ticks – total number of ticks.

Symbol lookup

In order to open Symbol lookup, tap the Search field . Check/uncheck the desired symbols. Selected symbols will automatically appear in the Watchlist.

Swipe left the selected symbol to open Market depth/Order entry/Chart screen by this instrument.

To call the Context menu, press and hold (Long tap) on the needed item:

Actions available in the Context menu:

  • Chart - by tapping, the Chart with the selected symbol will be opened;

  • Market depth - opens the Market depth tab for the selected symbol;

  • Option chain - opens the Option chain tab for the selected symbol;

  • Order entry - opens the Order entry panel with the selected symbol;

  • Symbol info - tap and detailed description of the symbol will be opened;

  • Add alert - allows adding an Alert for the needed instrument;

  • Top - this option moves selected symbol up in the Watchlist;

  • Bottom - this option moves selected symbol down in the Watchlist;

  • Remove - deletes the symbol from the Watchlist panel.

For Options the detailed symbols' information (description) is also available in the lookup:

Symbols list creation

Select the needed symbols from the 'Symbols lookup' window. Tap the "Create new" button to create new symbol lists. Buttons for list renaming or deleting are located next to each list:

Watchlist Filter

Symbol menu

Swipe left the symbol name to open the Symbol menu toolbar.

  • Market depth – opens the level 2 quotes for the selected symbol;

  • Order Entry – opens the Order entry screen for the selected symbol;

  • Remove – allows removing the Symbol from the Watchlist.

Last updated