
The Positions screen is accessible through the Main menu of the platform. It displays all opened positions. Every new opened position appears in this screen immediately.

The Positions screen displays a list of opened positions with short information about a symbol on which every position was opened: quantity and open price. Quantity of long positions is blue, quantity of short positions – red.

In order to get full information about a symbol, tap a symbol's name.

  • Fee – shows the total commission amount taken for a position;

  • Date/time – shows date and time when a position was opened;

  • Current price – market price obtainable from a broker;

  • Stop loss – Stop loss price set for a position;

  • Take profit – Take profit price set for a position;

  • Position ID – unique number that the trading system assigns to each position;

  • Open price – price at which the position was opened;

  • Account – login name of an account that opened a position;

  • Gross P/L – total profit/loss of the order;

  • Exercise – sends an exercise request for the Option position. Available for single positions opened for Options with Exercise style=American, inactive for multiple selected positions.

    After clicking this menu item, the Position exercise request confirmation dialog box is displayed. Clicking the "Exercise" button in the confirmation box, creates a request for the Option exercise, which switches the position to Pending exercise status and prevents performing the following operations for the position: Modify position, Close position, Close all.

    The mentioned actions are reenabled for the position after the "Cancel exercise" action is performed. Also note that broker can prohibit American-style options from being exercised if the strike price is out of the money.

  • Cancel exercise – cancels an exercise request for the selected Option position with Pending exercise status. Available for single positions opened for Options with Exercise style=American, inactive for multiple selected positions.

    After clicking this menu item, a confirmation dialog box is displayed, which requires a confirmation of canceling an Option exercise request. After the exercise Option request is canceled, the Modify position, Close position, Close all operations become allowed for the position.

To call the Context menu, press and hold (Long tap) on the needed item:

Actions available in the Context menu:

  • Chart - by tapping, the Chart with the selected symbol will be opened;

  • Symbol info - tap and detailed description of the symbol will be opened;

  • Modify - this option allows modifying needed position;

  • Close - closes selected position.

In order to modify a position, tap the 'Modify' button and the following screen will be opened:

Here you can modify Stop loss price, Take profit price or Trailing stop offset. For positions with the Net position by average price netting type and if both values of the trading modes (Intraday\Delivery) are available for the Instrument\Account pair, and also if the Allow trading mode modification role is active for this user, this screen will have the additional controls:

  • Target product type – combobox that allows selecting the target product type, contains values except the current one;

  • Modify quantity – switchable numeric for indicating the modification qty. The default value is Modify quantity = Quantity - Start of day qty. Please note that this value cannot be greater than Today traded qty. In case this numeric is enabled, SL/TP price controls are automatically disabled;

  • SL/TP price – Stop loss, Take profit, and Trailing stop prices available for modification. These controls are disabled in case the “Modify quantity” control is active.

The user can also have Positions close only or Liquidation only status depending on his plan. In this case, product type can not be modified and an appropriate reject message is sent to the user.

In order to close a position, tap the button 'Close'. All positions can be closed at once with a special button that is disabled in the app by default. This feature can be useful for managers or admins, in case there is a need to close all currently opened positions. The "Close all" button is securely hidden in the Account menu to prevent accidental pressing. In order to enable this feature, please contact our support.

Mutual closing

The user can mutually close two positions one by another if this feature is available to him. In order to do this, the user should swipe the first position and select the Mutual close option:

After this is done, all positions available for mutual closing in a pair with the selected position will be highlighted.

Please note that Mutual closing can be carried out when two positions for the same instrument are selected. The following conditions must be met in order for a mutual closing to be available:

  • Positions to close must be selected for the same instrument;

  • These positions must be oppositely directed (i.e. both Long and Short positions must be selected);

  • In case the partial close is forbidden for this account, then the amount on both sides (Long and Short) must be equal;

  • Only two positions can be selected;

  • All positions must belong to the same account.

Last updated