The RSS panel contains a list of the latest news available from various feeds added by the User through the RSS manager. In order to open the RSS panel, select it from the terminal main menu . The panel itself looks as follows:
The following information columns are available for display in this panel:
Received – date and time of news receipt in the RSS panel;
RSS feed – original name of the RSS feed;
Source – displays the source of the content;
Subject – news topic/headline;
Content – full text of the news article;
Category – type/category of the news;
Link – direct link to the news article.
If any columns are not supported by the RSS feed, these fields will be blank.
To view the news content in a browser, open the context menu, and select the ‘View news story’ option, or just double-click the news line. The User can also click the link in the corresponding column and the selected news will be opened in the browser.
RSS feeds selection
To view RSS feeds added by the User, use the selector in the upper left corner of the panel:
Simply check/uncheck the desired channels from the list or select all at once. Once selected, the User will receive the latest news from RSS feeds.
Previous news from other feeds will not be removed from the panel.
Adding/editing RSS feed
In order to add a new RSS feed to the panel click the Preferences button located in the terminal main menu. RSS settings allow adding a new feed or editing the existing one. The following settings panel will be opened:
To add a new RSS feed for displaying in the panel click the button. The new feed will immediately appear in the settings, the user will only have to set its name and enter the URL in the appropriate fields.
Multiple links can be entered in the URL field, separated by commas.
To activate/deactivate the display of the feed in the panel, use the ‘Active’ checkbox. To delete the unnecessary feeds use the ‘Remove’ buttons. All active RSS feeds will be displayed in the RSS selector.
Last updated