Order entry
Order entry panel allows a user to place market or pending orders. To open the panel, select Terminal -> Order entry. Additionally, this panel can be seen within Chart:
This panel contains the following settings:
Account – the account used for an order creation;
Symbol – the symbol available for the trade;
Side – allows to activate Buy or Sell side;
Quantity – an amount of lots in which an order is placed;
Leverage – contains leverage value, if applicable;
Order type – defines the type of the order: Market, Limit, Stop, Stop limit, Trailing stop, OCO:
Market order is an order to buy or sell a security at the best available price immediately;
Limit order is placed to buy or sell a security at specified price or better;
Stop limit order will be executed at a specified price (or better) after given stop price has been reached. Once the stop price is reached, the stop-limit order becomes a limit order to buy (or sell) at the limit price or better;
OCO (One-Cancels-the-Other) is an order stipulating that if one part of the order is executed, then the other part is automatically canceled;
"Sell" trailing stop order sets the stop price at a fixed amount below the market price on the trailing offset. As the market price rises, the stop price rises by the trail amount, but if the stock price falls, the stop loss price doesn't change, and a market order is submitted when the stop price is hit. "Buy" trailing stop orders are the mirror image of sell trailing stop orders;
Validity – allows specifying order validity by selecting among the following time frames: Day, GTC, IOC, GTD, FOK, GTS. This is especially important for active traders:
A Day order, as the name implies, is valid for the current trading day;
GTC (Good till cancelled) orders, on the other hand, will remain alive until they are cancelled or the contract expires;
IOC (Immediate or cancel ) requires the whole or part of the order to be executed immediately after it has been brought to the market;
FOK (Fill or kill) requires to execute the entire transaction immediately and completely or not to execute it at all;
GTD (Good till date) order will be cancelled on specified date if not executed or until the contract expires;
GTS (Good till session) order will be cancelled at the end of the trading session if not executed.
Stop price (for the "Stop order" type) - allows entering the order stop price;
Limit price (available together with Stop price for the "Stop order" and "OCO" order types; also available for the "Limit order" type) - allows entering the order limit price;
Tr. stop offset (for the "Trailing stop" type) - allows entering the order trailing stop price.
SL/TP price - allows to set Stop loss and Take profit prices.
Get snapshot - this button is intended to get a snapshot of the actual quotes for the current Symbol. After clicking the button, the snapshot window will be opened. The window header displays the time when the snapshot was made, and in the window itself the user can find the following data:
Price - displays prices for Symbol in the context of Last/Bid/Ask;
Size - volumes for Symbol at the specified Price in the context of Last/Bid/Ask;
Change - price change, calculated by the formula Change = Last price - Previous close;
Change, % - price change as a percentage, calculated by the formula Change,% = (Last price - Previous close) / Previous close) * 100%;
Today high - highest price of the day for the current Symbol;
Today low - lowest price of the day for the current Symbol;
Today volume - current day volume for Symbol.
The "Get snapshot" button allows to update the information in this window.
Order entry panel has two additional sections which display important information: VWAP and Margin.
VWAP section - allows displaying VWAP prices section (Bid, Spread, Ask) in the Order entry panel. It shows prices of order executions including slippage effect that will take place depending on order quantity user set.
Margin section - allows displaying Margin section in the Order entry panel.
The Margin section is divided on two parts: Risks and Fees.
Risks details section shows all values in account currency:
Balance - an account's balance;
Available funds – amount of funds for placing new orders;
Margin available – available margin for trading;
Incoming funds – the total amount of all unsettled Deposit account operations in the account currency;
Initial margin – minimum account balance required to open the position;
Maintenance margin – minimum account balance required to keep this position open;
Warn. margin – margin value, for which the warning is triggered;
When the 'Tiered price based custom coeffieicent' margin calculation type is selected for the symbol, the margin req. values are displayed for all the Tiers set
Impact on portfolio – shows impact of the order fill on available funds considering all other positions/orders;
After trade funds – shows value of available funds remaining after filling the order:
After trade funds = Available funds + Impact on portfolio - Fee;
Blocked for stocks – amount of funds debited from the balance in the case of trading with symbols with Stocks pre-paid margin type;
Spread initial loss – shows initial loss on the spread:
Spread initial loss = (Ask - Bid) * Tick cost * Qty.
P/L per Tick - displays data for Symbols:
P/L per Tick = Tick cost * Qty - if a Symbol type is one of these: Futures, Options, Spreadbet;
P/L per Tick = Tick size * Lot size * Qty * Cross-price - if a Symbol type is NOT one of these: Futures, Options, Spreadbet, Index;
P/L per Tick - no information for Index;
Allow short positions – shows whether short positions opening is allowed for the symbol;
Fees part shows commission for a trade. The fees shown depend on the Commission plan settings of the User:
Total fee – shows the commission total on the trade.
Swap buy - specifies a swap value that is applied to overnight long positions of an instrument.
Swap sell - specifies a swap value that is applied to overnight short positions of an instrument.
Data source
Last updated